General Terms & Conditions

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Events, meetings, room and apartment reservations

These General Terms and Conditions govern the contractual relationship between you as the organiser and Garden Park Zug AG (hereinafter referred to as Garden Park).


  1. Scope of application

    The terms and conditions apply to the provision of conference and event facilities as well as to all other related services and deliveries of Garden Park, including accommodation in hotel rooms and flats for the organiser and the event participants. They form an integral part of every contract. Changes must be agreed in writing or by e-mail. This also applies to the cancellation of this formal requirement.
  2. Reservations

    A contract is concluded between the organiser and Garden Park when

    a. an offer from Garden Park has been confirmed in writing by the organiser
    b. an enquiry from the organiser has been confirmed in writing by Garden Park

    Changes to the content of the contract are only binding once they have been confirmed by Garden Park in writing by e-mail or letter and the reservation payment has been made.
    1. Offers:

      The acceptance period for Garden Park offers is 10 days, unless another period has been agreed. Thereafter, Garden Park is no longer bound by the offer. Garden Park reserves the right to withdraw from an offer for important reasons.
    2. Options: 

      Options are binding for both parties during the agreed option period. After expiry of the option period, Garden Park reserves the right to dispose of the reserved dates and services elsewhere.
  3. Rooms
    1. Hotel rooms are generally ready for occupancy from 3.00 pm on arrival. On departure, rooms must be vacated by 12.00 noon.
    2. Guaranteed reservations can be cancelled free of charge one day before arrival until 6.00 pm at the latest. For later cancellations or no shows, the first night will be charged at full price.
    3. For further nights booked, the room will be available until 12.00 noon on the following day. If you do not arrive by this time, you forfeit your right to the room reservation.
    4. Reserved rooms that are not occupied by 6.00 p.m. on the day of arrival at the latest can be reallocated by Garden Park. This does not apply if a later arrival time has been expressly agreed, the reservation has been confirmed with a credit card number or an advance payment has been made.
    5. Hotel room reservation: When reserving hotel rooms in connection with an event, the organiser shall send Garden Park the room/name list up to 14 days before arrival. In the event of overbooking of the agreed contingent by the organiser, Garden Park reserves the right to relocate the guests to another hotel of equal value at the expense of the organiser.
  4. Apartment
    1. Apartments are generally ready for occupancy from 3.00 pm on arrival. On departure, the flats must be vacated by 10.00 am. After this time, Garden Park is entitled to charge 100% of the agreed flat price.
    2. Hotel room reservation: When reserving hotel rooms in connection with an event, the organiser shall send Garden Park the room/name list up to 14 days before arrival. In the event of overbooking of the agreed contingent by the organiser, Garden Park reserves the right to relocate the guests to another hotel of equal value at the expense of the organiser.
    3. For bookings of less than 30 days, the flats must be paid in full at the latest at check-in or by advance invoice. For bookings of 30 days or more, the invoice for the first month must also be settled at the latest at check-in or by advance invoice. For stays of more than 30 days, all further invoices are issued monthly and must be paid 7 days in advance.
  5. Cancellation policy for hotel rooms
    1. Cancellations of reservations of up to 9 rooms are possible up to 24 hours before arrival (i.e. by 6 p.m. on the first day of booking) at no cost to the booker/organiser. In the event of a later cancellation or early departure for a longer booking, 100% of the agreed room rate for the first or subsequent night of the originally booked stay will be charged.
    2. In the event of cancellations of reservations or a reduction in the number of rooms booked by more than 15% for bookings of 10 rooms or more, the following cancellation conditions apply to the entire booking volume:

      a. From 10 to 20 room nights, the following cancellation conditions apply for the entire booking period:
      ◦ up to 21 days before arrival: free of charge
      ◦ up to 14 days before arrival: 50% of the total amount is due
      ◦ up to 7 days before arrival: 75% of the total amount is due
      ◦ 2 days to the day of arrival: 100% of the total amount is due

      b. From 21 to 30 room nights, the following cancellation conditions apply for the entire booking period
      ◦ up to 28 days before arrival: free of charge
      ◦ up to 21 days before arrival: 50% of the total amount is due
      ◦ up to 14 days before arrival: 75% of the total amount is due
      ◦ up to 7 days before arrival: 90% of the total amount is due
      ◦ 2 days to the day of arrival: 100% of the total amount is owed

      c. From 31 to 50 room nights, the following cancellation conditions apply for the entire booking period
      ◦ up to 42 days before arrival: free of charge
      ◦ up to 28 days before arrival: 50% of the total amount is due
      ◦ up to 21 days before arrival: 75% of the total amount is due
      ◦ up to 14 days before arrival: 90% of the total amount is due
      ◦ 2 days to the day of arrival: 100% of the total amount is owed

      d. From 51 to 100 room nights, the following cancellation conditions apply for the entire booking period
      ◦ up to 90 days before arrival: free of charge
      ◦ up to 42 days before arrival: 50% of the total amount is due
      ◦ up to 28 days before arrival: 75% of the total amount is due
      ◦ up to 14 days before arrival: 90% of the total amount is due
      ◦ 2 days to the day of arrival: 100% of the total amount is due

      e. From 101 to 150 room nights, the following cancellation conditions apply for the entire booking period
      ◦ up to 120 days before arrival: free of charge
      ◦ up to 90 days before arrival: 50% of the total amount is due
      ◦ up to 42 days before arrival: 75% of the total amount is due
      ◦ up to 21 days before arrival: 90% of the total amount is due
      ◦ up to 7 days before arrival: 95% of the total amount is due
      ◦ 2 days to the day of arrival: 100% of the total amount is due

      From 150 room nights the following cancellation conditions apply for the entire booking period
      ◦ up to 150 days before arrival: free of charge
      ◦ up to 120 days before arrival: 50% of the total amount is due
      ◦ up to 90 days before arrival: 75% of the total amount is due
      ◦ up to 42 days before arrival: 90% of the total amount is due
      ◦ up to 21 days before arrival: 95% of the total amount is due
      ◦ 3 days to the day of arrival: 100% of the total amount is due

      Please note: For the calculation of the cancellation period, the cancellation period is calculated from 3.00 p.m. on the day of arrival. For the calculation of the number of days, it may therefore be relevant whether the cancellation is received by Garden Park before or after 3.00 pm.
    3. Cancellations of hotel room reservations must be communicated to Garden Park as early as possible and in writing or by e-mail.
  6. Cancellation conditions for flats
    1. For flat reservations with a booking period of less than 30 days, the following cancellation conditions apply for the entire booking period:
      ◦ up to 14 days before arrival: free of charge
      ◦ up to 14 days before arrival: 50% of the total amount is due
      ◦ up to 7 days before arrival: 100% of the total amount is due
      In the event of early departure, the price already paid will not be refunded.
    2. For flat reservations with a booking period of more than 30 days, the following cancellation conditions apply:
      For stays of one month or longer, a mutual cancellation period of 30 days applies for both parties. The guest must also give 30 days' notice of early departure.
      If we receive the cancellation within this 30-day period, a total rent of one month is due.
    3. Cancellations of flat reservations must be communicated to Garden Park as early as possible and in writing or by e-mail.
    4. Garden Park reserves the right to cancel the flat immediately in the event of non-payment of the flat costs incurred.
  7. Number of participants at events
    1. The organiser undertakes to notify Garden Park of any changes to the number of participants as early as possible. Garden Park will endeavour to allocate unused reservations to other participants under the same conditions. If this is successful, no costs will be charged to the organiser. If this is not successful, the organiser will be invoiced for the participants who did not show up (taking into account clause 5.3 below).
    2. The definitive number of participants must be communicated by the organiser to Garden Park 2 weeks before the start of the event, which will be invoiced accordingly. If a start time has been set for the start of the event, this is decisive for the calculation of the deadline. If no start time has been set, the deadline is calculated from 12.00 noon on the day in question.
    3. Garden Park will accept reductions of up to 10% of the originally registered number of participants up to 2 working days before the start of the event without charging.
    4. If more participants than notified take part in the event, the actual number of participants will be invoiced.
  8. Cancellation conditions for events
    1. Cancellations of events must be communicated to Garden Park as early as possible and in writing (or by e-mail). For the following deadlines, the start of the deadline applies in the same way as for section 5.2 above from the exact time of the start of the event. The following cancellation fees apply to cancellations of banquets, events and meetings:
    2. Seminar & banquet facilities
      Cancellation free of charge up to 40 days before the start of the event
      30 - 39 days before the start of the event: 50% of the booked services are owed
      11 - 29 days before the start of the event: 75% of the booked services are owed
      0 - 10 days before the start of the event: 100% of the booked services are owed
    3. Large events & exclusive bookings
      Cancellation free of charge up to 60 days before the start of the event
      45 to 59 days before the start of the event: 25% of the booked services are owed
      30 to 44 days before the start of the event: 50% of the booked services are owed
      15 to 29 days before the start of the event: 75% of the booked services are owed
      0 to 14 days before the start of the event: 100% of the booked services are owed
    4. F&B reservations from 10 persons
      0 to 10 days before the start of the event: 100% of the booked services are due
    5. Caterings
      0 up to 10 days before the start of the event: 100% of the booked services are owed
    6. If the reserved services (menu and drinks) have not yet been specified, CHF 110 per person
      will be used as the basis for calculating the cancellation costs.
  9. General information on cancellation costs
    1. If the cancelled premises and hotel rooms can be re-let, the organiser is exempt from the cancellation costs. Excluded from this are the advance services effectively provided by Garden Park, which must be paid by the organiser in any case.
    2. The time of receipt of the written cancellation or rejection by Garden Park is decisive for the calculation of the cancellation costs.
  10. Period of use of premises
    1. Option dates for reservations
      Option dates are binding for both parties. Garden Park is authorised to dispose of the provisionally reserved premises elsewhere after the option dates have expired.
    2. The period of use of the premises for the organiser is specified in the offer as well as in the reservation confirmation. Outside of these times, Garden Park may freely dispose of the premises at any time. Changes to the agreed times require the consent of Garden Park.
    3. Garden Park reserves the right to adjust the premises planned for the event in the event of a deviation of more than 10% of the originally planned number of participants, i.e. to prepare smaller or larger premises. The resulting additional costs shall be borne by the organiser.
    4. Evening events end with the official police hour at 00.00 hrs. After 00.00 hrs, the organiser will be charged an extension fee of CHF 300.00 per hour. An extension can be entered until 03.00 a.m. at the latest.
  11. Rest regulations and noise protection
    1. We would like to point out that our establishments are located in a residential area. Therefore, loud music and bass noises are not permitted. Any musical accompaniment, amplifiers for speeches and bright lights outdoors are prohibited throughout the day. Music in the restaurant serves as a pleasant background accompaniment and must not interfere with guests' communication. Events with a club or party character are not permitted.
    2. In order to comply with the quiet hours in accordance with the noise regulations of the city of Zug (from 22.00pm to 07.00am), disruptive behaviour outdoors must be avoided. Please inform your guests of these rules in advance and ensure that they are always observed on site. In the event of non-compliance with the quiet times and conditions, possible fines from the City of Zug may be passed on to the event organiser.
    3. Garden Park is entitled at any time to issue instructions to the organiser regarding noise emissions, which must be strictly adhered to. This applies in particular if third parties complain about noise emissions or if the customer satisfaction of other guests and neighbours is at risk.
  12. Bringing own food and beverages

    Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the organiser is obliged to purchase all food and drinks from Garden Park. Otherwise, a tap fee or a contribution to cover overheads (service charge) will be charged.
  13. Additional expenditure

    Additional expenses incurred by Garden Park employees, such as clearing or cleaning work, alterations or waste disposal, may be charged to the organiser.
  14. Delivery

    There are no storage rooms available in the Garden Park for exhibits, technical equipment or other materials. Goods must therefore be delivered as soon as possible and collected no later than 24 hours after the event. The organiser requires the consent of Garden Park for goods delivered in advance. Garden Park accepts no liability for damage or theft.
  15. Media and publications / Reporting obligation
    1. Advertisements in the media (such as newspapers, radio, television and internet) with reference to the event at Garden Park as well as the use of Garden Park logos and images in any form require prior written consent. If a publication is made without the corresponding consent, Garden Park is entitled to withdraw from the contract. The organiser is liable to Garden Park for any resulting damages.
    2. Every organiser of an event with musical entertainment is obliged to report this to SUISA (Swiss Society for the Rights of Authors of Musical Works). Garden Park accepts no liability for the organiser's failure to comply with this reporting obligation.
  16. Services, payments and prices
    1. Garden Park undertakes to provide the contractually agreed scope of services to the organiser.
    2. All prices are quoted in Swiss francs (CHF) and include the statutory value added tax (VAT). The place of fulfilment is Zug. Any offsetting of the contractually owed amount is excluded for the organiser (Art. 126 OR).
    3. Garden Park is entitled to demand a deposit of 50% of the agreed services or another appropriate amount at any time. The amount of the deposit and the payment dates are agreed in writing in the reservation confirmation. If the organiser does not meet his obligation to pay the deposit on time, Garden Park is entitled to withdraw from the contract after setting a reasonable grace period. The organiser is liable to Garden Park for any resulting damages.
    4. For reservations with a foreign billing address or reservations from abroad, a deposit of 100% of the reserved services may be required.
    5. If Garden Park does not require a full down payment, the entire or remaining invoice amount must be paid by the organiser by credit card or in cash by the time of departure at the latest. If payment by invoice is agreed, the entire invoice amount is due 10 days after the invoice date without deduction. The invoiced services are deemed to have been rendered in full and properly if the organiser does not report any complaints within the payment period. In the event of late payment, Garden Park is entitled to charge a reminder fee as well as any debt enforcement and collection costs.
    6. The organiser undertakes to reimburse Garden Park for all expenses and costs incurred by Garden Park in the execution of the order and to release Garden Park from any liabilities incurred.
    7. Liability for payment

      If the customer is not also the organiser, the customer shall be jointly and severally liable with the organiser for the entire invoice amount. This liability shall also extend to additional services purchased by the event participants, unless direct payment on site has been expressly agreed.
    8. Garden Park expressly reserves the right to change prices.
  17. Withdrawal by Garden Park Zug AG
    1. If the service to be provided by Garden Park under the contract is significantly impeded or impossible due to force majeure (according to Swiss understanding, in particular natural disasters such as storm winds, floods or earthquakes as well as fire, hostage-taking, war, riots, nuclear and reactor accidents, strikes, epidemics and pandemics, unforeseeable official restrictions, etc.) or other circumstances beyond the control of Garden Park, Garden Park may withdraw from the contract in whole or in part without compensation. In the event that the fulfilment of the contract is made significantly more difficult or impossible, in whole or in part, or other circumstances beyond the control of Garden Park, Garden Park may withdraw from the contract in whole or in part without compensation to the extent of the part of the contract not yet fulfilled.
    2. Garden Park reserves the right to withdraw from the contract without compensation if there is justified reason to believe that the event could jeopardise the smooth running of the business, the safety or the reputation of the businesses or if the agreed payment terms in accordance with section 14.3. of these terms and conditions have not been met by the organiser. In such cases, the organiser is not entitled to assert claims for damages against Garden Park. However, Garden Park reserves the right to assert claims for damages against the organiser.
  18. Fire regulations / safety regulations / decoration
    1. The organiser undertakes to comply with the fire police regulations of the Garden Park, in particular to keep escape routes clear, to comply with the smoking ban, etc. Any decoration material brought in by the organiser must also comply with the fire regulations. Any permits must be obtained independently by the organiser from the competent authority.
    2. The organiser is also responsible for ensuring that no more people are admitted than the capacity of the room in question. The maximum numbers specified by Garden Park are binding. Garden Park accepts no liability in the event of non-compliance.
    3. The attachment of decorative materials and other objects to walls, doors and ceilings always requires the prior consent of Garden Park. The organiser is liable for any damage incurred by Garden Park as a result.
  19. Liability
    1. Should faults occur in the technical equipment provided by Garden Park, these will be rectified immediately by our technical staff. Such a malfunction does not entitle to a reduction of the package price. If a fault cannot be rectified, the package price for the technical equipment will be reduced in line with the rental costs.
    2. Garden Park is only liable to the organiser in the event of intentional or grossly negligent breach of contract or non-contractual damage. The organiser bears the burden of proof for culpability. Liability for damage caused by slight negligence and strict liability are excluded.
    3. Garden Park accepts no liability for theft or damage to objects, clothing or materials brought in by the organiser, speakers, participants or third parties. This also applies to vehicles parked in the hotel car park.
    4. Insurance for the event or for objects, clothing and materials brought in is the responsibility of the organiser. Garden Park may request proof of adequate insurance from the organiser at any time.
    5. The organiser is liable to Garden Park for all damage and loss or other damage caused by himself or his assistants, guests, participants or third parties, without Garden Park having to prove fault on the part of the organiser.
    6. In the case of third-party services, Garden Park acts on behalf of and for the account of the organiser. The organiser is liable for the care and proper return of the equipment and indemnifies Garden Park against any claims.
  20. Data protection
    1. Garden Park's privacy policy forms an integral part of these General Terms and Conditions. You can find the privacy policy here.
  21. Applicable law / place of jurisdiction

    Swiss law shall apply exclusively to reservation agreements, including the General Terms and Conditions and any additional agreements, as well as to the contracts concluded on their basis.

    The exclusive place of jurisdiction for all differences arising from the respective contractual relationship is Zug.
  22. Should individual provisions of these General Terms and Conditions become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. In this case, the invalid provisions shall be replaced by other provisions that fulfil the intention of the earlier or missing provision and the contract as a whole.

October 2024

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